What exactly can I get access to with Leadsie?

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Here's the breakdown of assets you can get access to via Leadsie:

Meta (Facebook/Instagram)

Leadsie can get you access to the following Facebook assets:

Account / Asset Access Sharing Account (Asset) Creation
Meta Business Porfolio (fka Business Manager) Automatic (you get added as a partner) Automatic
FB Pages Automatic Semi-manual
Instagram Accounts Automatic (via Facebook Page + directly in BM) Not currently supported
Ad Accounts Semi-manual (here's how) Automatic
Product Catalogues Automatic Automatic
Pixel/Datasets Automatically by connecting it to the Ad Account, semi-manual for full access Semi-manual
Domains Semi-manual Not currently supported
Leads Access Automatic (via Facebook Page permissons) Not currently supported

Clients can also create Facebook Business Managers Ad Accounts, Catalogs, Pages & Pixels/Datasets through Leadsie. More about this here: How does Facebook Asset Creation work?


Account Access Sharing
Google Ads automatically (more info here)
Google Analytics automatically (more info here)
Google Business Profile (formerly My Business) automatically
Google Tag Manager automatically
Google Search Console automatically (more info here)
Google Merchant Center automatically


Asset Access Sharing
LinkedIn Company Pages semi automatically (manual with access validation)
LinkedIn Advertising Accounts semi automatically (manual with access validation)


Account Access Sharing
TikTok Advertiser Account automatically (more info here)

More on Facebook Asset Sharing

Facebook Pages, Ad Accounts and Catalogues will be directly added to your Facebook Business Manager as assets you can assign to people.

Instagram and Pixels/Datasets will be added to the Ad Account, and you do get access with the Ad Account. 

You can also request full acess to Instagram, and we validate if your client has done this correctly.

For your client's pixels/datasets, you will be able to see events in the Events Manager, as well as create custom events and custom conversions.

Need full access to your client's Facebook Pixels/Datasets or Instagram? Check out our Advanced Sharing Feature.

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